12 Best Practices of DMO Board Management Relationship 2019
- Regular conversation/advice between CEO/executive director and board chairperson/president or county/city manager
- Preparation and timely distribution of board meeting agenda and contents packet
- Board annual priority focus given discussions between chairperson/board and executive director/CEO
- Defined relationship between board member and DMO staff
- Annual evaluation of CEO/executive director
- Review and approval of DMO annual destination marketing/business plan
with allocated budget
- Annual community report on tourism and related outlook meeting
- Annual board and/or management retreat meetings on strategic issues
- Appropriate DMO office/visitors center location assessment
- Board member full understanding of committees/task forces and where requested participation in DMO program activation
- Agreed-to DMO board/management reporting to government agencies
- Regular DMO financial review of operations
Source: © DCG/TAA 2013 – 2019