12 Best Practices of Destination
Organization/CVB Board Governance
- Policy driven governing board with fiduciary (financial resource needs and expenditures) and performance (destination/program returns) oversight
- Typical board size between 10 to 15 members with rotating term limits and succession planning
- Formalized board orientation program, policy and procedures manual, board member evaluation and ongoing professional development support
- Agreed-to board code of ethics, conflict of interest, and meeting conduct (Roberts Rules) policy
- Number of scheduled board meetings becoming less (bimonthly with executive committee in between)
- Boards taking positions on external tourism related issues
- Board representation from visitor, hospitality and recreation/entertainment industries and communities
- Board focuses on destination organization vision and overall strategic directions
- Board engaging in appropriate influential community relationship building through a dedicated communications plan
- Boards reviewing depth of role and commitment to future destination development/visitor experience initiatives
- Appropriate board committees and/or issue task forces setup
- Board agenda being aligned to strategic goals and future program discussion
Source: © DCG/TAA 2013 – 2019